Previous editions > Presentation
PubliER 2020: How can the Industries of the Future contribute to address the forthcoming challenges of our society?
General information
This edition of workshop PubliER 2020 was organized at the University of Technology of Troyes, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Research Team on the Transition Towards Socio-technical Sustainable Systems (CREIDD) of the research UTT, the Institute of Services and Industry of the Future of Troyes (ISIFT) and the Chaire Connected Innovation. The workshop was held in Troyes (France) from the 29th to the 31st of January 2020.
Scientific international journals represented
Resources Conservation & Recycling
Journal of Cleaner Production
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation
Computers in Industry
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
Design Science International Journal
Journal of Industrial Ecology
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing
Product Lifecycle Management